In Te Ngahere we went to the Science Roadshow. I learnt that honey from different flowers tasted different. We had to go on a school bus or car to get to Bay of Islands College. I went by car and my mum drove. Ashlyn and Mahana came in the car with us.Be sure to check out their blogs too. When we were there we got a small show about oxygen, carbon dioxide and other things. Before we left we had another show. For that one the scientists made a firenado. If you don't know what a firenado is it is spinning fire that looks like a tornado. When the scientists running the show created this they tried just spinning the fire but nothing happened. Then they tried to use a cone that you put on a dog to stop it from itching, but nothing happened. Then they tried to use a small rubbish bin with holes and the bottom taken out. That worked because a fire needs oxygen to stay alight.
My favorite exhibit was how the same discs reacted to different surfaces because it was very interesting to see if a plastic disc went further on carpet, lino, smooth wood or rubber.
In fair testing I learnt that if you change one variable at a time you will know what helped your creation. This will help me with my science fair project because now I understand about fair testing.
Have you ever gone to Bay of Islands College before or a Science Roadshow?