
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

2 Jokes and 2 Riddles


Q: Why did no one bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on Trade Me?

A: Because they were two deer!!!

Q: Why did the doughnut maker sell his shop?

A: Because he got fed up with the hole business.


Q: What goes around and around the wood but does not go into the wood?

A: The bark on the tree..

Alice's mother has 3 daughters. one is called Sophie, the other one is called Jealyn. What is the other daughters name?

A: Alice.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Putting the Pool up!!!!!!

Today was the last day of School but I did not go. Also today I put my pool up, while it was getting filled up I got in and placed all the inflatable rings on me and then the inflatable chair on top so nobody could see me. After that I sat on the inflatable orca but I fell off because it is impossible to stay on it with things in the pool, also when the pool is being filled up.

Monday, December 7, 2020

!!The Fun and Amazing trip to The Parrot Place, Movies, Park and Pizza!!

 On December 2, Te Maunga went on a class trip to the movies. We went to The Parrot Place, then to the park to eat Domino’s Pizza and last we went to the movies to see The Secret Garden. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, November 23, 2020

!!!!Check Out This Great Measurement Work!!!!

 In Te Maunga we have been learning about measurement. I learnt that 28 500 ml bottles is 14 kg. My favorite activity was breaking bags. In breaking bags you had to place 500 ml bottles in a brown paper bag till the paper bag broke.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Terrific Tee-Ball

 In Te Maunga we did tee ball.
I learnt all about tee ball.
I learnt that once you hit the ball you run straight to the base.
Then you have to touch the base with your foot before they throw the ball to another person at a base and get you out.
As the rest of your team hits the ball you keep running to a new base.
Once you get to the end you sit down behind the rest of your group that has not had their turn.

Monday, November 9, 2020

!!!Mind Blowing Facts About Cricket!!!

 In Te Maunga we have been learning about Cricket.
  I learnt about batting. In batting you have to hold the bat so the bend is facing you.
We played non stop cricket.
The batting team has to hit the ball with the bat.
Then they have to run to a spot and hit it with the bat.
After that they run back to the line and give the bat to the person in the front who doesn't have a bat.
While that is happening the person in front runs to the wickets and does the stance, and while that is happening the fielder has to go after the ball and catch it.
Neil (the cricket coach) said that if we can get it over the gold post we could have his card.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Blog Comments

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